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Harrington Junior School

A Caring School Where Every Child Matters

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Absence/Late Procedures

Please ensure your child attends school every day.

Even a little amount of absence or routinely arriving late can make a significant difference with lost learning occurring. However, it can also make your children worried and upset. 


Our school target is for every child to have 95% attendance or better throughout the year. This equates to attending for 180 days. Pupils who fail to attend for 90% of the school year are classified as having persistent absenteeism and this may trigger external intervention. This equates to less than 171 days in school throughout one academic year. This include periods of illness or any leave taken.

Parents need to report any absence on the first day. You can telephone the office or use the Class Dojo system.

Pupils should arrive in the playground at 8:50 a.m. There will be staff on duty from this time - either on the school gates or in the playground. 

A whistle will blow to signal for pupils to walk to their al,located point/cone. We ask parents to say goodbye to their children at the school gates and do not enter the playground or enter the classrooms.


Pupils who are late need to sign in at the main office.

Late gates are conducted throughout the year. The parents of pupils who are found to be routinely late will be contacted by school.


Good attendance means..
