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Curriculum linked events

World Book Day

Thank you to all the families who joined in World Book Day. It was lovely to share the excitement about costumes and clues to guess our disguises. Pupils accessed a number of different stories, created character spoons, had a live online lesson, created a rap with MC Grammar and created their own book covers and bunting!

Remember, reading is not just about physically reading a book- it can also be about listening to an audio book too- we value the importance of children listening to audio books at Harrington.
Please use the link below to enjoy FREE audiobooks for all readers, available until 31 March!



Reading activities for World Book Day

Maths Morning

We organised a maths morning for pupils to explore their learning. Each class had a maths story book and had tasks based from this. Stories included Sir Cumference and the Fraction Faire; Multiplying Menace: The Revenge of Rumpelstiltskin and A Place for Zero. We explored maths challenges to link learning and found maths stem sentences for a picture. It really got the children thinking and talking about Maths!

Maths morning

Viking Day in Year 4

Africa Day in Year 5
