Safeguarding is a vital part of the work and support we offer to all here at Harrington. It is everyone's business.
We have a wide range of policies and procedures to ensure the safety and well being of our children. This is to ensure that children receive effective support and protection where it is thought that a child may be suffering from abuse and/or neglect.
We educate our pupils about how to keep themselves safe at home, in the community and online. This is done through our curriculum and through direct work or links with other agencies such as online safety and the NSPCC.
All staff are trained regarding how to keep children safe. We have a Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Wilmot and two deputy safeguarding leads, Mrs Domkowicz and Mrs Willsher.
Anyone who has a concern can speak to the DSL, deputy DSL or any staff member. Records will be kept of concerns raised as part of our safeguarding procedures.
are safe citizens of the 21st Century.
Support for Parents
'There's no such thing as a perfect parent. One day all's calm, the next it's chaos'. The NSPCC is here to help with advice and support for parents and carers.