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Harrington Junior School

A Caring School Where Every Child Matters

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Welcome to the PTA section of our website. Our PTA is known as HHH - the Helping Hands of Harrington and is open to all parents and carers.


We are now looking to re-start this support and recruit new parents and family members who would like to help out. Please dojo if you can volunteer some time.


We are a friendly group of people who are willing to give up a bit of time in order to support and help run school events such as tuck shop, bingo nights and discos. We also support school events such as trips and concerts.

Without this help, we struggle to provide the wide range of enjoyable events for our pupils that our school is so well-known for.


We meet once every term for an hour to talk about upcoming events and to share ideas for fund raising. You do not have to attend every meeting or even come to every event - if you could support just one, we would be grateful. Please feel free to come along! We will desperately need new volunteers to join in and help us - could this be you? Please contact Mrs Wilmot or Mrs Willsher for details as to how to become involved. No pressure, no demands, no commitment - just pledge some time to suit your availability.


Our first meeting is usually scheduled on the last Monday in September and held at 7:00 p.m. at school or at Eaton Farm public house. We then meet on Monday of the second week of each term at 7:00 p.m.

Look out for the letters where all dates and venues are confirmed.




Our first fund raiser will be a joint Macmillan and Young Minds cake sale on the morning of 3rd  October. Any pledges of help should contact Mrs Willsher - pop in to school, see her on the gates or send a dojo!


Our next events will include some social events such a family bingo and a disco - if you can help, please dojo.
