In Derbyshire schools, a great deal of time and effort is given to creating healthy menus and promoting a healthy choices to pupils. We aim to provide parents with all the information they need about school meals.
Further information can be found at
Harrington Junior School offers a varied menu with a hot, nutritious meal served daily. The menu is on a 3 week cycle and changes every 6 months. We offer a standard portion of a main meal with vegetables or salad, dessert and drinking water all freely available. All our menus meet and exceed the current Government nutritional standards.
All medical diets are catered for - if you think this may apply to your child , please drop in to speak to school staff or to arrange a meeting with our team. To apply for a medical diet you must have a referral from a medical professional and complete a "medical diet form" which can be obtained from your school.
The meal price for a Primary school child is now £3.25 (£16.25 per week). Dinners need to be booked and paid for in advance. Payment has moved to a cashless system but payment can also be made by cash. Payment by cheque is no longer available.
Pupils who do not wish to have a school meal should bring a packed lunch. We encourage parents to make this a healthy meal, remembering to provide a drink (no fizzy drinks, glass or cans permitted). For health and safety reasons, no hot food or soup is allowed. No nuts of any kind are permitted due to some pupils having extreme allergies - your co-operation is appreciated.