We support pupils and families in a number of ways. The first point of contact is via your class teacher - available every day from 8:00 a.m through messaging using the class dojo system. We can arrange face to face meeting from 8:30-8:45 a.m daily or after school by appointment.
We have a team of people who work to support pupils and their families in school. The varied roles help us to support families with children's behaviours, attitudes and feelings; boundaries and routines; attendance issues; finances and where to go for specialist help (through signposting services). Staff also liaise with social care and agency workers who may also be working with our families. Meetings with families are held in school time by arrangement. Alternatively, you can ask to be contacted by telephone or via a Teams meeting. Staff work directly with pupils, as well as attending meetings to support families.
Mrs Willsher's role deals with children with complex needs and also pupils with safeguarding concerns or ongoing cases. This includes pupils who are supported by medical staff and those who are applying for EHCP (education health care plans)
For daily support you should speak with the class teacher or contact Mrs Wilmot or Mrs Domkowicz for any help you or your child may need.
We also post useful information about support for families on the class dojo (please sign up to access this), in the 'News' section (for latest news and electronic copies of newsletters) and also under the 'Children' tab on this website - scroll down to see the support avenues listed.