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Harrington Junior School

A Caring School Where Every Child Matters

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Values and Ethos

Our motto is 'A Caring School Where Every Child Matters'.


At Harrington Junior School we care about each individual child and about their whole development. We strive to work with pupils to:

* keep them safe with a sense of security and self-worth

* develop their academic skills so that they can use and apply them to ensure they progress

* improve their social skills so that they can mix with a diverse range of people in a positive and effective manner

* improve resilience by creating a positive attitude to life and helping them to develop self-help strategies for success

* allow them to engage in the community, showing fundamental British values and courtesy and respect to all

* enable each child to aim high and realise their potential by fostering high aspirations


We ask pupils to attend every day, with a smile on their face, ready to learn. We ask them to give their best, not to give up and to learn something new every day. We ask them to actively participate in their learning and to be a good friend to all.

We believe our curriculum should be progressive to build upon the skills the children acquire through their learning. We use a creative challenge curriculum approach encouraging pupils to ask questions to expand their interest and understanding. We overtly link learning - across the year group and as pupils move throughout the school. This provides a broad, deep and relevant learning process.


Our key learning skills are:

* communication

* listening

* teamwork

* creativity

* problem solving

* presenting our learning

By working in partnership with pupils and parents we aim for this to be achieved with all children, and so give them the best start for the future. 