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A Caring School Where Every Child Matters

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Remote learning

We are now able to provide remote learning for children who are unable to come to school due to restrictions, illness and potential school closures.

The attached policy document below outlines the nature of this provision.

Accessing lessons online.

Harrington Junior School is able to post remote learning - lessons and work- online during times of closure and when illness rates are high. Alternatively, individual families may contact school to request work whilst their child is away from the classroom due to exceptional circumstances. This provision includes slides, powerpoints with audio support, worksheets, online sites and ongoing project work. This work can be found listed under the 'Children' tab, and then clicking on the 'Class page'.


You can also access recorded lessons for all year groups by accessing and then clicking on 'year groups' to find lessons. This may be signposted by the class teacher to keep pupils in line with the work that is occurring on the class. 

Oak National Academy is a national online classroom and resource hub especially created and funded by the Department for Education to provide a plan of daily lessons and resources to continue to support pupils until schools re-open.

Originally created by a group of primary and secondary school teachers, Oak National Academy will provide a sequenced plan of video lessons and curricular resources to complement school's existing provision with lessons taught and recorded by teachers who have been contracted especially to provide this facility.

This will be an important resource for anyone finding it difficult to find the time to support children with learning at home.


Alternatively, we can access daily lesson from BBC bitesize. Click on the 'Learning at Home' icon and find your year group. Then you can find a range of subjects that have daily lessons. Either choose one and find a concept to learn today or look at the class page to find out what is happening in class so that you can match it.

Remote Learning policy
