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Important information about COVID symptoms over Easter

Please remember that you are required to keep Mrs Wilmot informed of any symptoms linked to a potential case of Coronavirus as we are required to keep a record of all potential cases.

The Department of Education have sent notification that 'parents and carers should inform school (Mrs Wilmot via dojo) of a positive case if either symptoms or a positive lateral flow test occurred within two days of them (the child) being at their education setting'. This would be up to and including Saturday 3rd April. This is so that we can assist in contacting families to advise self-isolation in line with our responsibilities in the Test and Trace process. In this case, you should seek a PCR test within 2 days. The result of this test should also be reported to school.

'Where symptoms or a positive lateral flow test occurred more than two days since they (the child) were last at their education setting' then the family should follow contact  instructions provided by NHS Test and Trace. You should seek a PCR test within 2 days. Call 119 to book for this test. 


If a positive result is obtained from a PCR test, you will be contacted by email, text or phone from NHS tracing or from your local council. Text messages will be sent from 'NHS tracing', with calls coming from 0300 013 5000 or a local number. This is when you will be asked questions regarding people you may have mixed with 48 hours before you had symptoms or had a positive test.


Helpful numbers:

To ask advice re. symptoms - call 111 (this is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) 

For testing if asymptomatic - call in to West Park Leisure Centre

To book a PCR test  - call 119

To to get help from NHS Volunteer Responders - call 0808 196 3646 (open 8am to 8pm)

For medical emergencies - call 999


Upon returning to school on Monday 19th April, please ensure you have informed Mrs Wilmot by dojo if there have been any COVID-related concerns in your family so that records can be amended.

Your co-operation is appreciated and vital to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
