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Online safety reminder

Remember to keep a check on your child’s online activities.
As many children are spending more time online, it is vital for parents to check and talk to their children about keeping safe  online. Recent county figures show an increase in cases where children have been put at risk.


Take a moment to ask about who they are talking to, what the chats are about - are any of them unkind or trying to persuade them to do something they are uncomfortable with or that break the boundaries of your home? Do they know who they are speaking to?

Scan some of the history - it is good safeguarding to keep up-to-date with what your child is accessing. Make sure they know they can tell you if anything occurs they are worried about.

Encourage them to take regular breaks from screens and engage in other activities - chatting, playing games or going outside. Avoid being online/ using screens too late as this can ruin the amount of quality sleep experienced (impact of blue light).


Please refer to the website to access support for parents and children regarding keeping safe or how to report concerns. Look for the Parents tab, Useful Links.
Keep safe, keep healthy. 
