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Harrington Junior School

A Caring School Where Every Child Matters

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Children In Need - 18th Nov

Friday 18th November is ‘Children In Need’ Day.

This year, we are asking pupils if they would wish to join in by wearing either:

Clean pyjamas, complete with underwear      Or         odd socks/ fluffy socks

Each for a donation of 50p.

(Please make sure that Y5 pupils come in uniform to swimming and then they can change into their pyjamas or socks when we come back to school).

All pupils need to wear their shoes to come to school and will need to change for outdoor times. Please also ensure they bring a coat for playtimes and lunchtime.

Pudsey colourings and wordsearches will be available for free and the Harrington kitchen will be selling biscuits for 30p at breaktime.

If pupils do not wish to join in they should attend in their normal school uniform. Non-uniform is NOT permitted.

