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A Caring School Where Every Child Matters

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Christmas Postal Service

Once again we will be using our internal Christmas postal service in order for pupils to send cards to their friends at school. Pupils will be able to post cards in school from Monday 5th December. The post box will be cleared daily and cards distributed during the afternoon.

To keep things safe:

  1. Do not lick the envelope – simply fold the top of the envelope into the body of the card or use a small piece of cut sellotape (there are lots of bugs going about!)
  2. Write the full name of the friend on the envelope, plus the year group/class. We have lots of pupils named Lucas or Evie – please make it clear who you want it delivered to. This service is only for pupils attending Harrington Junior School.
  3. No class lists are available due to GDPR (data protection)-  sorry.
  4. Year 4 will be able to post their cards before assembly into the main school postbox.
  5. This postal service will stop on Monday 19th December with the last delivery being given out on Tuesday 20th December.


Your co-operation is vital to keep everyone safe – please stick to the procedure as outlined.
