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Easter 23

Easter week

1. Pupils will be joining in a version of our Easter bingo in the classrooms as part of our Maths work with chocolate prizes.

2. We will be writing some poems about spring, taking inspiration from the classics such as, ‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’ by William Wordsworth.

3. As a treat, we will be hosting an Easter movie afternoon – Y5/6 on Thursday; Y3/4 on Friday. Pupils may bring a cushion to sit on, with popcorn and drinks being served  (free).

4. There will be egg/spring craft activities for pupils to join in on Friday – all resources will be provided by school to prevent the need for anything to brought in from home.

5. We will be running our traditional egg decoration contest. However, due to the shortage of eggs at present, this will be done with a 2D print of an egg to decorate or design into a character . Pupils need to bring any additional resources  to decorate their egg or to make scenery, props or a background on Friday 31st March. There will be prizes awarded for the most eye-catching, fun or unusual. All work for this must be done in school but pupils will need to bring any special resources/ accessories for their design e.g. material, boxes, sequins.

6. We will also be judging the competitions to create the best wildlife garden.. Thanks to Miss Killen for arranging this.

7. During this week we will be hosting our Easter raffle with chocolatey and cute prizes for pupils to win. Tickets cost 20p each and will be on sale with Mrs Clarke every break from Wednesday. Raffle prize draw will take place on Friday.
