26,000 free Easter holiday activity places available at 95 venues across Derbyshire
This Easter, Derbyshire County Council is providing 26,000 free holiday activity places at 80 venues across the county for local schoolchildren aged 5-16.
The free sessions include a healthy meal at breakfast or lunchtime and seasonal activities, sports, craft clubs, drama, gardening and more.
The sessions, available throughout the Easter holidays, are all free for families who claim benefit related free school meals.
(Places may also be available to children in other vulnerable groups, including children with SEND, who are not currently in receipt of benefit related free school meals.)
Places are available on a first come, first served basis, with a limited number available to any school age child living in the county.
Sessions will run during both weeks of the Easter school holidays, starting from Monday 11 April.
To find out more about the activities on offer and details about venues, please visit our website at www.derbyshire.gov.uk/holidayactivities which lists the organisations taking part, dates and times of sessions and contact details.
For any further details, please contact our team by email: HAF.Enquiries@derbyshire.gov.uk.
In addition, children and families can find online activities and ideas for low-cost activities to take part in at home on the It’s About Me website: https://itsaboutmederbyshire.co.uk/