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Holiday support for key workers

I am delighted to inform you that we will be able to offer a limited support for key worker children during Week 1 of the Easter holiday (4 days; Monday- Thursday). This care will be run by Major Oak and we can offer 16 places due to the reduction of staff and requirements for safe distancing.

This is a free service to eligible children who have already been regularly attending our childcare provision at school. We are unable to open it to others due to the small numbers of places available.

Breakfast provision will be offered if needed.This will be delivered by school staff and will be a simple menu subject to availability of supplies. Doors will open at 7:30 a.m

All children will need to bring a water bottle, snacks and packed lunch, a coat and gloves. Please wear flat shoes or trainers.


Children will arrive for the holiday provision at the main door at 9:00 to be registered by school staff. This door will also be the point of collection at home time.

The club will run from 9:00-4:30 p.m. - there will be no extension to these hours.


To book, use the dojo to Mrs D or email Mrs Wilmot directly on  - DO NOT BOOK VIA MAJOR OAK. 


