During this time of school closure, it is understandable that children may be having more access to computers, tablets and phones and therefore are having increased screen time.
Remember to keep your children safe online by checking:
If you are accessing learning resources that are not listed on our website please ensure you check for reputable organisations or individuals (e.g. such as using new online companies or tutors). They should be able to provide evidence of being safe to work with children by giving you their DBS information.
It is important that you talk to your child about how to keep safe online and how to report any concerns they have.
To help you, here is a list of resources that can help keep your children safe online -Thinkuknow, the UK Safer Internet Centre, London Grid for Learning, Net Aware, Internet Matters and Parent Info.
Further sources of support include Childline, the UK Safer Internet Centre and Child Exploitation and Online Protection command (CEOP).
Be safe online - don't take risks.
Don't give personal information to people you do not actually know. Use age appropriate sites and games. Take regular breaks. Always report content that worries you.