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Latest update Sunday 3 Jan 18:45

As we currently stand - we will be open to pupils tomorrow, in line with the government requirements. This is, however, subject to change with very little notice.

Please remember that we will need to be introducing a new, tighter control of access into school. All pupils must be left at the wooden gates to enter the playground on their own. If you need to attend other schools, you will need to allow time to walk round - there will be no access through our playground. I will be at the Briar Gate entrance from 8:40 to allow pupils access and to therefore allow parents more time to walk to other schools. Staff may be wearing masks and we would ask all adults to wear face coverings too.

Pupils will be met and greeted by staff in the playground where they will be shown where to wait  - an area identified for each class. Mixing of classes will not be permitted. 

The playground will need be open for collection at the end of the day as we have to ensure pupils get safely to their families. Please wear a face covering when collecting your child and keep 2m away from others.

Please try to use the dojo to communicate with the class teacher as much as is possible to prevent unnecessary contact with staff.


I will be following the situation carefully and will inform you of any changes or updates. At present there is no news on provision for key worker children as primary schools are required to be open.

I appreciate this is a very frustrating time for us all and everyone will have their own opinion. All we can do is to try to keep our children, families and staff as safe as possible and would ask you to support us in this difficult time.

