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Return to school

You may be aware that the return of pupils to school in January is proving to be a controversial matter. Over the last few days, there have been many meetings with between the Department for Education, the government and unions regarding the safe opening of schools in January. There have been many changes to the recommendations/guidance too.

As it stands at the current time of writing (Saturday 7:00 p.m) we will be open for all pupils on Monday 4th January. But this could change with very little notice.

I must, however, make you aware that this is being challenged regarding whether or not it is safe for primary pupils and their teachers to attend and is therefore subject to change, with very little notice. The current R rate does not take into account the mixing over Christmas and there is still a lack of clarity over the severity and level of infection with the new strains of the virus we are hearing about.

Of course, we want all pupils to be in school but we desperately want all of the children, their families and the teachers to be safe and this may mean new procedures. If we end up closing temporarily, all lessons will be put online.

I appreciate this lack of confirmation does not help with childcare arrangements but the health and safety of all our pupils, families and teachers is paramount.


I will be keeping track of this situation and will send another update tomorrow.


New procedures:

As a result, I have had to update and increase the procedures to keep us all safe.

As a reminder, pupils will need to attend school to enter classes and learning at the following times:

Y6  8:45

Y5  8:55

Y4  8:50

Y3  8:55

Please stick to these times - do not be late as pupils will miss the start of lessons.


1. Only pupils will be allowed entry to the playground at the start of the day - parents will need to leave children at the wooden gates where staff will be on duty. Pupils will then be chaperoned into areas/lines to wait for entry into their classrooms. This is to prevent mixing and cross contamination.

2. Parents/adults will be asked to wear a face covering when delivering and collecting their child - access will be allowed onto the playground for safe collection. Please keep your distance from others - 2m - and leave as soon as you have your child. Do not wait with others.

3. Pupils are able to wear face masks to enter and leave school, at break times and in communal areas.


Your co-operation is vital and appreciated in these difficult times.
