As you will be aware, the Prime Minister announced that the earliest date for schools to re-open will be Monday 8th March. We do not know what this re-opening will look like and it may be in a phased or staggered approach.
Our aim will be to get as many children back in as safe a way as possible whilst remaining under these guidelines.
This means that home learning will need to continue for the next 4 weeks. As ever, we have plans to keep the learning fresh, with new ideas listed on our website in the 'class page' section.
Your child has access to all the daily lessons, in all the subjects - just as is being taught in school. There are many additional websites for you to access too. Anyone struggling with device access /sharing can request a hard copy of work - this is available weekly to be collected from school on Wednesdays. Please contact your class teacher if this would help you.
Whilst we appreciate that this current situation is very, very difficult we would ask that all children are supported to work at home, doing some element of the work daily. This is really important to make sure that they keep a routine and structure and are reinforcing learning skills. This will be vital for when schools re-open.
To help you in persuading pupils to complete work, teachers will be ringing pupils at home - please check your dojo to find the times for your class. This is to talk to every child, feedback about work sent in, supporting them with any work in progress and to perform a welfare check. Therefore it is very important that the children are available to take this call.
We are working very hard to make sure we can support as many people as possible.
Take care, keep safe, stay healthy.