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SATs Presentation for Parents

As you may be aware, the government have decided that the End of Key Stage 2 tests for Year 6 pupils will continue to take place. This means that all Year 6 pupils in England and Wales who are able to access the tests will sit formal exams each day during the week of 8th  May 2023. Due to the coronation, the exams will be set Tue 9th – Fri 12th May inclusive.

This gives us 8 weeks, plus the two weeks of the Easter holidays.


I will be hosting 2 meetings (oneface:face and one virtual) to give you information as to what is required, the work that is currently being done and how you can support your child through this important period. The face:face meeting will take place in the hall, with access from the lower hall doors accessed from the playground and close to the drive.

Please complete the slip on the letter to indicate your choice of meeting so that arrangements can be finalised and confirmed by Friday (3rd March).
