What a fabulously busy first week back!
Year 5 began their new topic on Africa with an interactive enrichment opportunity with Unbeatable Energy and their drumming day on Wednesday.
All classes took part in our Maths Morning on Thursday - exploring and solving maths challenges and puzzles. This was really well received and we hope to continue with more events like this.
And to end the week, we have had some excellent progress in our swimming sessions with many children graduating to the next group or making some super progress in their own skills and confidence.
Don't forget clubs start next week - please return your forms to allow your child to attend.
Return your letter to enable us to arrange a parent evening appointment for you.
Thursday is World Book Day - join in the Book Token competition (make your own design) or create a book character from a potato!
Also arriving on Monday is our very own Drumba equipment - requested by the children following on from our interactive workshop. Looking forward to hearing the beats ringing out from the hall soon!