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Sports Day reminder and details

Sports days are set for next week but the following procedures must be adhered to.

Only one person for each child is allowed to attend. No additional children/toddlers are permitted as they count in term of numbers of persons gathering. We are only allowed for 30 to gather at one time, in one area. You will be registered upon arrival to the field gate. There are no seats this year, so be prepared to sit/stand on the grass or bring a rug/seat for yourself.

Parents should arrive no earlier than 1:50 p.m. for access to the field, entry is via Derby Road only. You will not be able to access or cut through the playground. 

Each family member will sit in sets relating to the class bubble, separate from other groups and they will need to sit 2m apart from any other parent and keep behind the designated safety line (marked on the grass)

Pupils will arrive for sports day and will run in class groups. We will start at 2:00 p.m. once parents have arrived.

Year 6 Monday 28th June; Year 5  Tuesday 29th June; Year 4 Wednesday 30th June; Year 3 Thursday 1st July.

We aim to finish at 3:00 p.m. You can collect your child from the field and go straight home via Derby Road. If you have other children on campus, your child will return into school and will meet you at 3:15 in the usual manner. Please remember your mask.

If it is raining, the sports day event will not occur.

I realise there are a lot of procedures but this is in line with government requirements and our risk assessment. Please do not attend if you feel unable to adhere to these.

Your co-operation is appreciated and vital to the success of having parent spectators.
