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Support for families

We are receiving feedback from some families that, as the length of time for home learning continues, they are finding the demands set by the Department for Education of 4-hours of daily home learning simply overwhelming.

In line with this advice, I would like to clarify a few things. As a school, we do need to set this amount of work. Indeed, a recent audit has found our provision to fully meet this criteria and has many additional avenues such as signposting Oak National Academy and BBC Bitesize daily lessons to provide a blended learning  approach. This combined with our extra class pages give much, much more. For some pupils and families, this is very useful.

However, I would like to reassure pupils and parents that this work can be selected from to meet your own circumstances. If it feels too much, then scale down. An example might be to focus just on guided reading and maths. Another day, look at the creative curriculum - history or science. Do what you can as part of your daily week-day routine. 

Please remember, we would like to encourage all pupils to be working in some aspect every day to keep a focus, use their skills and to ensure they keep motivated. We love to see your work so send it to us (photo/ portfolio upload) so that we can give you feedback and praise. Keep going - every little bit of work counts and is important. 


Hopefully, as we approach half term, there may be some light as we creep towards getting back to a sense of normality by having pupils back at school - something we are all looking forward to.

Take care, be kind to each other and keep safe and healthy.
