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Supportive message

As we enter Week 3 of this lock-down, I am aware that some families are struggling to keep up and to keep positive.


Some of you may be putting undue pressure on yourselves and your health and sanity is much more important. Whilst it is great that some families are working through the home learning on a daily basis, for others it is just not possible for many, many reasons.

To keep it simple and manageable, here are some options for you:

If you need to take a day off, do so.

If you need to do just some of the activities, then pick the ones you feel your child can do/ will enjoy.

If you cannot sit with your child, use some of the independent learning as listed on the class page entitled 'Independent learning for all ages'.

Never underestimate reading time, Times Tables Rock Stars, handwriting, working on spellings

If you are struggling to share devices, order a home pack from school.

If you not know how to structure the whole day, just spend one hour a day supervising some work with your child.

Other activities are allowed - cookery, jigsaws, BBC bitesize, music, PE tasks, nature, languages

Don't forget things like shopping games, making lists, keeping a diary, wordsearches, spelling games, project work to research something you are interested in such as football, lions or cars.

Be kind to yourself - stay safe, stay healthy

