Welcome back and Happy New Year! I hope you all had a good break.
A few reminders for this term:
1.Please ensure your child has a warm, waterproof coat every day. Perhaps even gloves and a hat this term as the weather can be bitter and unpredictable.
2.Please get your child back in to the routine of school - uniform, reading, homework, good sleep routines and attending every day (health permitting).
3.Update school of any personal changes - parent mobile numbers, address changes, personal circumstances
4.We will be offering the option to move to cashless payment for meals and trips - look out for the letter this week.
5.Snacks need to be healthy and nut-free. To allow pupils to get their snacks quickly at break time, they will be handed in at registration for quick retrieval. This will also prevent children from eating parts of their lunch too early!
6.Please talk to your child about online conduct. Some pupils are becoming involved in inappropriate exchanges online via group chats and this is leading to some unpleasant comments and language. Whilst I am aware all pupils can recite how to behave, both socially and online and this is an out-of-school incident, it doesn't always happen in reality. And no -one wants children upset and distressed due to such chats as this can occur when pupils feel school and parents will not find out. We will continue to work on this theme in school. Your support is appreciated.