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Harrington Junior School

A Caring School Where Every Child Matters

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The new school year approaches!

Good morning everyone. Welcome back to the Harrington website!

We are now in our countdown to returning, with just 2 weeks to go and we couldn't have a more busy time here on site.

On Monday, staff were able to come to see the new school as it nears completion, only  few more jobs and snags to sort. It's really exciting and we are so looking forward to showing it to you. The temporary school is being taken away and the grounds are beginning to take shape.

I am posting a 'Useful Information for Parents' as a reminder for existing parents and to help the new parents. You will find this in the newsletter section under the 'News and Events' tab. We return on Monday 5th September - Years 4,5 and 6 need to be on site for 8:55 a.m. with Year 3 arriving at 9:15 a.m. (no earlier please)

Please adhere to these times as we will still be having landscaping and playground work being carried out so access onto site will need to be controlled.

Please use the gate either from Canal Street or via the school drive. Staff will be there to assist and direct you. Year 4,5 and 6 pupils will leave parents at the gates. Year 3 parents will be allowed to enter once the other children have exited the playground at 9:15 a.m.

We look forward to seeing you all again soon.
