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Harrington Junior School

A Caring School Where Every Child Matters

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Welcome Back

Welcome back to all our pupils for Term 2. 

It has been lovely to see so many pupils back and we are looking forward to starting our new topics.

Please remember the day your child needs to come in their PE kit (warm tracksuit PLUS SCHOOL JUMPER/TOP) as we hope to pack in as many outdoor PE lessons as possible before the weather changes. To remind you, we no longer have the benefit of a school hall if it is too wet.

With the upcoming new lockdown can we remind all families (adults and children) to adhere to the rules and keep their distance from other families. Please be vigilant for any symptoms and help to keep all pupils and staff as safe as is possible. If your child is unwell, please do not send them to school. Keep them off, monitor the symptoms. If you have concerns, use the NHS hotline by ringing 111 or visit the NHS website.

Your co-operation is vital and very much appreciated.
