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A Caring School Where Every Child Matters

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  • Want something new to do at the weekend?

    Fri 29 Jan 2021 RWilmot

    This weekend is the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch - they are asking you to count and record how many birds you see in a one-hour period that are in the garden or park (not flying over). You need to record the different species and how many birds you see in total at one time. In my garden I often have 3 pigeons that visit together and 2 blue tits. But my favourite is 1 very cute robin. 

    Go to the class pages to see the RSPB powerpoint and bird identification poster. You may need to be quiet and still....but you'll be amazed at what you can see. Good luck!


    For further information go to

  • Online Safety

    Tue 26 Jan 2021 RWilmot

    With the need for most pupils to be at home, there is an increased amount of time being spent online and with this comes the additional need for close supervision. With parents being asked to do more at home, a quick sit-down with your child might be the best way to achieve this. Take some time to talk through how their time online is going - has there been anything good to report and what have they enjoyed doing? Which websites/ chatrooms have they been using? Who are they talking to and how do they know them? 

    Has anyone been unkind to them - how and why do they think this has happened? Is it more than a spat/fallout with a class mate? Who can they talk to if they see or hear something upsetting?

    A short chat can often provide that reassurance and reinforce safe online access at home.

    Also, this can allow you to talk through how long is healthy for your child to be online - there is lots of evidence to state that children need to come off a device long before bedtime to ensure a good sleep is achieved. How else are they balancing their time? - doing some school work, helping in the home, exercise and reading are all good alternatives!


    Children and their families can always report concerns via CEOP - this is the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command, or CEOP Command (

    It is a command of the UK's National Crime Agency (NCA) and is tasked to work both nationally and internationally to bring online offenders, including those involved in the production, distribution and viewing of abusive materials. 

    Keep safe - always report concerns to an adult, do not keep online secrets.

  • School opening tomorrow

    Sun 24 Jan 2021 RWilmot

    Despite the snow, it is our intention to be open tomorrow for pupils who are eligible. We will, however, need to assess the conditions first thing tomorrow. 

    Please be careful when travelling to school - whether on foot or in the car. Do not drive up the campus driveway - we need to keep pupils and their families safe.

    If your child is due to attend but is not able to, please dojo your teacher so we know they are safe.

  • No news on returning to school

    Fri 22 Jan 2021 RWilmot

    We have had a number of queries as to when pupils will be returning to school.

    Unfortunately, we have no further information to share on this.

    We will be keeping an eye on government responses and the input/advice from the local authority. As soon as we have any news or updates, we will share them with you.


    I hope you are all managing to keep safe and well.

  • More ideas for PE and independent learning

    Wed 20 Jan 2021 RWilmot

    Please visit our 2 extra class pages entitled


    1.Outdoor Learning, exercise and PE

    2. Independent learning for all ages


    to see the latest additions of ideas to keep you busy and active.

    Stay safe, have fun!

  • A BIG thank you

    Tue 19 Jan 2021 RWilmot

    We wish to send a very BIG thank you to Mr Robert Jenkins, an ex-parent, who has very generously donated a tablet and phone to the school for pupils to use during lock-down. What a very generous offer! We have created a list of pupils who would benefit from this device on loan through nominations from the teachers and we will draw a lucky name this week.

    Thank you very, very much for thinking of us and for your continued support - we cannot wait to make someone's day as they will now be able to access their home learning. Your donation will make a massive difference.

  • Supportive message

    Tue 19 Jan 2021 RWilmot

    As we enter Week 3 of this lock-down, I am aware that some families are struggling to keep up and to keep positive.


    Some of you may be putting undue pressure on yourselves and your health and sanity is much more important. Whilst it is great that some families are working through the home learning on a daily basis, for others it is just not possible for many, many reasons.

    To keep it simple and manageable, here are some options for you:

    If you need to take a day off, do so.

    If you need to do just some of the activities, then pick the ones you feel your child can do/ will enjoy.

    If you cannot sit with your child, use some of the independent learning as listed on the class page entitled 'Independent learning for all ages'.

    Never underestimate reading time, Times Tables Rock Stars, handwriting, working on spellings

    If you are struggling to share devices, order a home pack from school.

    If you not know how to structure the whole day, just spend one hour a day supervising some work with your child.

    Other activities are allowed - cookery, jigsaws, BBC bitesize, music, PE tasks, nature, languages

    Don't forget things like shopping games, making lists, keeping a diary, wordsearches, spelling games, project work to research something you are interested in such as football, lions or cars.

    Be kind to yourself - stay safe, stay healthy


  • School meals from next week

    Fri 15 Jan 2021 RWilmot

    I am pleased to announce that we have been working with catering to enhance the choice of meals available. From next week, we will move to another menu bringing back some of the old favourites such as Big Breakfast and Chicken Curry. I know many of us are very excited about this!

    I will be updating the menu and posting it on the website over the weekend. However, I can confirm that on Monday the meal is coated chicken, pasta with sauce option and veg.

  • Issues with the dojo

    Mon 11 Jan 2021 RWilmot
    We have been informed that there are currently issues with the dojo and that the company are trying to resolve as matter of urgency. This is not at the school interface so we are unable to solve this ourselves. Please be patient and keep referring to the website for an update.
  • School closure expectations

    Fri 08 Jan 2021 RWilmot

    As we reach the end of the first week, it has been another long week filled with issues to solve and ways to make learning accessible.

    PLEASE DO NOT STRESS OVER THE HOME LEARNING - simply do what you can. There are no expectations. There is no pressure, especially for those parents having to work from home. It is very difficult, near impossible, to try to do both of these things at the same time and we recognise this. There may also be conflict over bandwidth, access to devices and space to work at home with everyone being there together.

    The powerpoints do have audio clips and your children should be familiar with this as it is what we use in class. Simply hover over the speaker, or click to hear the instruction. Work can be recorded in one notebook or on paper. We will also be saving worksheets in Word to enable pupils to record directly onto them rather than rely on a printer. Please send photos of work to the teacher on dojo so we can see how well you are doing and give feedback and the praise deserved.


    We do not have broadband in school so cannot live stream at present. However, we are trying to find a way to have some interaction with pupils at home over the next few weeks to make contact with all pupils and to check how they are.

    We are able to give hard copies of work if needed, and will be collating a list of interactive sources of work ideas and include more creative aspects for pupils to use independently. We have ordered workbooks too that we aim to make available for those who prefer this option. Please inform your teacher via dojo if you feel you need or would like this option.

    I fully realise how difficult this situation may be for families at home and we aim to make this as easy as we can. Any learning that your child does - reading, watching educational TV/internet clips, drawing, using maths, writing diaries/list/letters to their teacher, baking, exercising - is good for them. But I also do not want parents to feel under pressure when things are already difficult enough.

    Take care, stay safe, stay healthy.
