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Harrington Junior School

A Caring School Where Every Child Matters

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • School Return - Monday 8th March

    Tue 23 Feb 2021 RWilmot
    It is great to hear that all pupils will be returning to school on Monday 8th March. We are all so excited and are already preparing for the return date.
    We will be sending out confirmation as to what time to arrive and all the details for returning soon.
    Don't forget to do your part to get ready - make sure you are keeping safe, don't be visiting people or mixing households to help us keep our class bubbles as separate and as safe as possible, try on your school uniform to make sure it still fits and dig out your school shoes too in order to check they are OK to wear.
    Pupils will need to bring a coat and water bottle and all other equipment will be given to them.
    We are looking forward to having a full, happy and buzzing school once again.
  • Support for families

    Mon 08 Feb 2021 RWilmot

    We are receiving feedback from some families that, as the length of time for home learning continues, they are finding the demands set by the Department for Education of 4-hours of daily home learning simply overwhelming.

    In line with this advice, I would like to clarify a few things. As a school, we do need to set this amount of work. Indeed, a recent audit has found our provision to fully meet this criteria and has many additional avenues such as signposting Oak National Academy and BBC Bitesize daily lessons to provide a blended learning  approach. This combined with our extra class pages give much, much more. For some pupils and families, this is very useful.

    However, I would like to reassure pupils and parents that this work can be selected from to meet your own circumstances. If it feels too much, then scale down. An example might be to focus just on guided reading and maths. Another day, look at the creative curriculum - history or science. Do what you can as part of your daily week-day routine. 

    Please remember, we would like to encourage all pupils to be working in some aspect every day to keep a focus, use their skills and to ensure they keep motivated. We love to see your work so send it to us (photo/ portfolio upload) so that we can give you feedback and praise. Keep going - every little bit of work counts and is important. 


    Hopefully, as we approach half term, there may be some light as we creep towards getting back to a sense of normality by having pupils back at school - something we are all looking forward to.

    Take care, be kind to each other and keep safe and healthy.

  • Change to dinner menu - Thursday 11th Feb

    Thu 04 Feb 2021 RWilmot

    Just to inform you that there will be a slight alteration to the menu on Thursday 11th February.

    The meal to be served will be pizza, chips and vegetables.

  • Issues with some accessing some home learning

    Wed 03 Feb 2021 RWilmot
    Apologies for anyone who has been unable to access some the subjects posted for today. This has been due to a glitch in the website. These pages/lessons have been reposted and tested for access.
  • Return to school

    Tue 02 Feb 2021 RWilmot

    As you will be aware, the Prime Minister announced that the earliest date for schools to re-open will be Monday 8th March. We do not know what this re-opening will look like and it may be in a phased or staggered approach. 

    Our aim will be to get as many children back in as safe a way as possible whilst remaining under these guidelines. 

    This means that home learning will need to continue for the next 4 weeks. As ever, we have plans to keep the learning fresh, with new ideas listed on our website in  the 'class page' section.

    Your child has access to all the daily lessons, in all the subjects - just as is being taught in school. There are many additional websites for you to access too. Anyone struggling with device access /sharing can request a hard copy of work - this is available weekly to be collected from school on Wednesdays. Please contact your class teacher if this would help you.

    Whilst we appreciate that this current situation is very, very difficult we would ask that all children are supported to work at home, doing some element of the work daily. This is really important to make sure that they keep a routine and structure and are reinforcing learning skills. This will be vital for when schools re-open.

    To help you in persuading pupils to complete work, teachers will be ringing pupils at home - please check your dojo to find the times for your class. This is to talk to every child, feedback about work sent in, supporting them with any work in progress and to perform a welfare check. Therefore it is very important that the children are available to take this call.

    We are working very hard to make sure we can support as many people as possible.

    Take care, keep safe, stay healthy.

  • Child Mental Health Day

    Tue 02 Feb 2021 RWilmot

    On Wednesday we will be uploading some work for the afternoon that focuses on mental health - so important for us all at this difficult time. This will also support Child Mental Health Week.

    There will be plenty of slides and activities that can be worked through - either independently or as a family, helping children to understand that emotions felt/experienced need to be recognised and to provide some strategies to help us to feel better about ourselves, keeping in control our thoughts and leading to a more positive outlook.
