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A Caring School Where Every Child Matters

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • New work available

    Mon 30 Mar 2020 RWilmot

    There is new work for Week 3 located in the class pages; found under the Children tab.

    Mrs D has also listed some additional ideas for you to access and try.


    Next week we will be posting some work to run over the Easter holiday, along with some ideas to help support you at home.

    Remember to keep a structure to your day - an example of a timetable is located under Mrs D's  class page.

    Why not spend some time creating your own rainbow picture? Post in your window or send to Mrs D for our very own Harrington rainbow collage.

  • Class pages and work for students

    Fri 27 Mar 2020 RWilmot

    Just a reminder that the class pages and work will be updated every Monday with new work available. Don't forget to check in at Mrs D's class page too where you can find some more ideas to keep you busy and ideas to support the family.

    Stay safe, keep busy, be kind.

  • Holiday support for key workers

    Tue 24 Mar 2020 RWilmot

    I am delighted to inform you that we will be able to offer a limited support for key worker children during Week 1 of the Easter holiday (4 days; Monday- Thursday). This care will be run by Major Oak and we can offer 16 places due to the reduction of staff and requirements for safe distancing.

    This is a free service to eligible children who have already been regularly attending our childcare provision at school. We are unable to open it to others due to the small numbers of places available.

    Breakfast provision will be offered if needed.This will be delivered by school staff and will be a simple menu subject to availability of supplies. Doors will open at 7:30 a.m

    All children will need to bring a water bottle, snacks and packed lunch, a coat and gloves. Please wear flat shoes or trainers.


    Children will arrive for the holiday provision at the main door at 9:00 to be registered by school staff. This door will also be the point of collection at home time.

    The club will run from 9:00-4:30 p.m. - there will be no extension to these hours.


    To book, use the dojo to Mrs D or email Mrs Wilmot directly on  - DO NOT BOOK VIA MAJOR OAK. 



  • Urgent - changes to Panda Club provision

    Tue 24 Mar 2020 Rwilmot

    It is with regret that I must inform you that Premier Education is unable to maintain provision for before after school care due to reduced numbers from tomorrow (25 March).

    Anyone already booked will have this provision honoured by school staff for this week.


    Next week, to help key workers, we will offer breakfast club from 7:30-9:00 but are unable to offer after school care.

    This provision will be free but you MUST to be book in advance.

    If you require provision this week, you must book again via the dojo to confirm by 7:00 p.m tonight.

    Any bookings for breakfast club next week need to be completed by Thursday 26 March by 4:00 p.m. so that staffing and supplies can be organised.

    Please use the dojo to Mrs D or email Mrs Wilmot.

  • Week 2 online learning is published

    Tue 24 Mar 2020 RWilmot

    Please find the new work for your child listed under the Children tab; Class pages; and then click on your specific Class icon.


    We have also added some extra support and ideas under the 'Mrs D' icon that are suitable for everyone - this includes help for parents if you need it regarding structuring the day.

  • Thank you

    Tue 24 Mar 2020 RWilmot

    Thank you for the kind messages and thanks we have received here at Harrington in the light of these difficult circumstances.


    Today we were visited by a kind worker from Tesco who safely brought us some supplies of tea, coffee and biscuits to help keep staff going who are running the daily child care for our key worker families. The flowers were a lovely touch too!

  • Message from Mrs Wilmot

    Sat 21 Mar 2020 RWilmot

    I would like to wish all pupils and families well and ask them to take good care of themselves over this difficult period. 

    Even though it has been challenging, the pupils who attended school last week (especially over the last two days) have been marvellous - a true credit to themselves.

    It was a particularly poignant time for my Year 6 children - you did so well and it seems unreal that it could be last time that we all are together as our official Harrington family. 

    I would also like to publicly thank all of my staff, in their many roles in school, for their dedication to keep things as normal as possible and to keep our pupils safe and secure. 


    Until we all meet up again......keep safe, keep calm and keep healthy.

    Mrs Wilmot.

  • Key worker identification and childcare provision

    Fri 20 Mar 2020 RWilmot

    The government states that  'schools to remain open only for those children who absolutely need to attend. Many parents working in these sectors may be able to ensure their child is kept at home. And every child who can be safely cared for at home should be'.


    Adults and children should be at home and apply social distancing whenever possible. You do not have to send your child to school.


    To identify yourself as a key worker and book school provision for your child the following details must be supplied:

    1. Your name

    2. Your role/job/profession

    3. Where you work

    4. Your child's name and class

    5. What provision you need - which days and times (school provision is open 9-3:15 as usual; there is wrap around care with Panda Club before school and after until 18:00).


    You need to inform us by either:

    using the dojo directly to Mrs D or

    emailing Mrs Wilmot at

    Please do this by 18:00 on Sunday 22 March


    The official list of key workers are:

    * front line health and social care workers

    * producers and distributers of medicines and medical equipment

    * teachers and nursery staff

    * members of the justice system, religious staff or funeral care

    * government agencies such as the payment of benefits

    * those involved in food production, processing, distribution, sale and delivery

    * those involved in public safety and national security including police and support staff, Ministry of Defence civilians,  armed forces personnel (those critical to the delivery of key defence and national security outputs and essential to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic), fire and rescue service employees (including support staff), National Crime Agency staff, those maintaining border security, prison and probation staff and other national security roles

    * those key workers who will keep the air, water, road and rail passenger and freight transport modes operating

    * those involved in:

    essential financial services provision;

    the oil, gas, electricity and water sectors (including sewerage);

    the information technology and data infrastructure sector (working to continue the service during the COVID-19 response;

    key staff working in the civil nuclear and chemicals sector;

    telecommunications (including but not limited to network operations, field engineering, call centre staff, IT and data infrastructure, 999 and 111 critical services);

    postal services and delivery;

    payments providers and waste disposal sectors


    Other eligible criteria:

    Your child may attend if:

    *they have a social worker - please state the workers name

    * if they have a current EHCP 


    To identify your child under this criteria and book school provision for your child the following details must be supplied:

    1. Your name

    2. Your child's name and class

    3. The name of the social worker

    Please use the dojo to Mrs D, email Mrs Wilmot or call the office on  0115 973 2963

  • Support for Key Workers

    Thu 19 Mar 2020 RWilmot

    The government is to create a list of key workers and their children will be offered childcare during the school closure period. 

    At present, this has not been officially released. We will send out the details and specifics of this provision as soon as we receive them.


    To manage this provision, you will need to contact school to identify yourself as one of these key workers and that you require this childcare AND the days it will be needed.

    You can do this by using the dojo to directly contact Mrs D (not the class teacher) or by using my email - You will need to do this by Sunday 22nd March by 18:00.


    This notification of usage will need to be updated by you on a weekly basis so that we have a register of attendees and can staff accordingly and make provision.




  • Support for non-key worker families

    Thu 19 Mar 2020 RWilmot

    We realise that most children will be at home over the next few months and are not able to attend childcare.

    We will be updating our class pages with ideas for activities and work on a weekly basis to help you.


    Under the icon 'Mrs D' we will list generic ideas and thoughts for you to access such as outdoor learning you can do in your garden, fitness ideas and exciting opportunities such as accessing Derbyshire online library (free). There is also a sample of how you can plan the day to keep your children busy.
