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Harrington Junior School

A Caring School Where Every Child Matters

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Phased return to school - 1st June

    Wed 13 May 2020 RWilmot

    The government this week released their plans for a phased return for schools commencing 1st June. For our school, it only involves Year 6 pupils at this current time.

    This week we have been, and continue, to plan for this situation but we await further information and advice as to how this will occur. We hope to provide you with details later this week or early next week.


    In the meantime to assist pupils (and parents) for this, we have created a new 'Back to School Preparation' section listed under the Children tab, Class pages. This section provides some work to complete that will need to be handed in when you return to school and some pointers for parents to ensure that pupils have all they require for their return.

    This preparation will be updated weekly for the next 3 weeks.

  • Kind and safe use of the internet

    Mon 11 May 2020 Rwilmot

    It is understandable that children may be having more access to computers, tablets and phones and therefore are having increased screen time. 

    During this very difficult time, it is even more important to be kind - we would ask all pupils not to use the internet or social media to be unkind. Always think of what you are saying and how this may impact upon the person it is directed to. We would ask all parents to check the content of texts, emails and messages/group chats to support this.


    Remember you need to check frequently:

    • What sites your child is using
    • How much time they are actually online
    • Who is interacting with your children online - is it their peers, family or new people? Ask how they have linked? Be aware that some sites may be accessed and used by people to deliberately target children.
    • What the nature of the interactions are - check the content and tone. Talk to your child about reporting any concerns to you.


    To help you, here is a list of resources that can help keep your children safe online -Thinkuknow, the UK Safer Internet CentreLondon Grid for LearningNet AwareInternet Matters and Parent Info


    If you are accessing learning resources that are not listed on our website please ensure you check for reputable organisations or individuals (e.g. such as using new online companies or tutors). They should be able to provide evidence of being safe to work with children by giving you their DBS information.


    Further sources of support include Childline, the UK Safer Internet Centre and Child Exploitation and Online Protection command (CEOP).


    Don't take risks.

    Don't give personal information to people you do not actually know.

    Use age appropriate sites and games.

    Take regular breaks.

    Always report content that worries you or if anyone asks you to do something that makes you uncomfortable or asks you to keep a secret - be sensible, include your family, keep safe.

  • Update from the government

    Mon 11 May 2020 RWilmot

    As I am sure you are aware, we have begun to get some ideas about the government's plans to open schools again. At the moment, this is very sketchy and does not include all year groups. At this point in time, we do not have any further information.

    I am expecting more details from the Department for Education and the Local Authority to be sent to school over the next week giving further notes and clarity as to how this will occur safely including how pupils will access school, play, have lunch etc.

    There is much to be planned to ensure that, when this does occur, all pupils and staff are safe and clear of both the changes to the routines and the new restrictions on movement that will be necessary to maintain social distancing.

    As we learn more and progress with our plans, we will keep you regularly updated but please make sure you keep checking the website and dojo for these important updates.

  • Story writing task this week

    Mon 11 May 2020 RWilmot

    All pupils have been set the challenge to write a story across this week to revise their writing skills. The stimulus and support can be found be accessing the Class Pages via the Children tab. You will need to plan, create a first draft, edit it and publish a final piece.

    Once you have done this, you can send the final story or extract to Mrs D via the dojo - we love to see what you have been up to and we will be able to send a dojo back to give you feedback and praise.

    Keep busy and do your best whilst working at home. We know it is difficult but it is really important to keep practising your learning skills.

  • Keeping in touch

    Wed 06 May 2020 RWilmot

    During this difficult time over the past 7 weeks we have had a steady and now increasing flow of children attending school for much-needed provision due to their parents being key workers or by meeting the criteria to attend. All pupils have been fabulous in adapting to the new routines and systems, as well as happily joining in safely. This couldn't have been done without the care, time and commitment of all of our staff.


    It has also been lovely to keep in touch with so many of our families through the dojo and telephone. It has helped us to stay connected and has enabled school to offer advice and support as requested and for us all to have the exchange of friendly voices creating some much needed sense of normality.

    Thank you to all the children and parents for sending their lovely posts and emails containing some of work that has been done - you really have been busy. It also allows us a chance to send you back a message and to praise you for having the dedication to work at home and the effort for you to send it back in. Mrs D and I look at every one that is sent in - the powerpoints, worksheets, pictures, photos, artwork, creative projects and beautiful writing and we are full of praise for you  and your families, who must be taking time to support you, encourage you and then return it back to school. We will always send you a response and Mrs D creates a collage of the terrific work we are receiving and posts it on the dojo. I do hope you are enjoying them.

    We are also happy to help with any homework - Mrs D is busy responding to individual questions and I have just posted on our website some help for maths as has been requested.

    There is still time for you to be involved - just ring, email or dojo. It's that simple.


    I shall be sending another update early next week when more information is released from the government.

    Well done to you all - keep going, keep safe and keep well.

    Be kind to all.

  • Child care update

    Fri 01 May 2020 RWilmot

    We can now inform you of our decisions regarding holiday closure.

    We will be closed to ALL pupils on Bank Holiday Friday ( 8th May).


    We will reopen on Monday 11th May. We also intend to open Monday- Wednesday during the half term holiday (even though Monday is a Bank Holiday).

    Places will be limited to 14 to allow for safe distancing. School will be closed for cleaning on Thursday and Friday ( 28th and 29th May) We anticipate that this will give plenty of time to make arrangements or decide on holiday care. The bookings for holiday care are now open.

  • Key worker childcare

    Fri 01 May 2020 RWilmot

    Polite reminder

    Some children have arrived this week who were not booked on and this impacts on numbers for staffing and safe distancing. Every child’s place must be booked on each week by either emailing Mrs. Wilmot or confirming on the dojo to Mrs Domkowicz. This process must be followed by all parents without exception - even if your requirements are the same week on week. Thank you for your co-operation.

  • School closure update

    Fri 01 May 2020 RWilmot

    Term 5 has begun and we remain closed under the Coronavirus regulations.

    We have no indication of when school will re-open and parents should be mindful that, when this does happen, it may be under tight restrictions. It is highly unlikely that schools will re-open in the same way that we were prior to lock-down.

    As we receive any information, we will inform parents accordingly.

    Please keep safe.
